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Alert when Azure SQL SQL Database is deleted



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Alert when Azure SQL SQL Database is deleted.


Date created: July 8, 2018.

If examining the activity log of your Azure SQL logical server you found an Azure SQL Database has been deleted or you found an activity log event you want to get notified in the future you can follow the steps outlined in this article to create an alert on Azure portal.

Use Azure portal to identify the activity log event you would like to get notified in the future. On the image below I chose "Last month" on the timespan parameter to perform a search on the activity log. After executing the search, you can make a click on the type of event you would like to be inotified when they occur, then make a click on "Add activity log alert" to start creating the alert.

Let's collapse the "Define alert condition" section on below screen.

Provide the alert name and its description on the "Define alert details" section.

Next, let's collapse the "Define alert details" section.

On the "Define action group", let's make a click on the "New action group" to create an action group, if you don't have one created already.

On the following screen, we need to provide "Action name" and select the "Action type". See below all possible options for action type.

Since we chose email notification, we now need to provide the email address receiving alert notifications and click OK under the "Country code" field.

One more click on the OK button located on the "Add action group" page is required.

On below screen, let's make a click on the "Add" button to finish adding the action group.

Returning back to the "Create rule" page, click on the "Create alert rule" button to allow Azure create the rule for us.

I proceeded to restore the database that was reported on the Activity Log and, once restored, I proceeded to delete the database again using Azure portal and this time I received below email notification.




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